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Today's Calendar

Hoshana Rabah
: 6:00am
: 5:30pm
Candle Lighting
: 5:59pm

This week's Torah portion is Parshat Bereshit

Shabbat, Oct 26

Candle Lighting

Wednesday, Oct 23, 5:59pm


Motzei Shabbat, Oct 26, 6:54pm

Hoshana Rabah

Wednesday, Oct 23
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Shabbat is a joyous time at Magen David, from the introductory prayers to the last strains of Adon Olam. Prayer and the lessons of Torah are deeply felt, and a spirit of kavenah prevails.

Throughout our services of worship we affirm these values:

  • Prayer (Tefillah)
  • Torah Study
  • Wisdom of the Sages
  • Hospitality (Hachnasat Orchim)
  • Inspiration through Music (Ta'amim)
  • Joy of Community

Knowledgeable congregation members are often called upon to read from the Torah and Haftarah, or assist in leading prayer services. The prayer book we use is Siddur Zehut Yoseph, published by the Sephardic Traditions Foundation. It engages those schooled in Hebrew as well as those who prefer English translation, or transliteration. Siddurim in French, Spanish, and Farsi are also available.

Members and friends who attend services regularly are a cohesive group. People of all ages, traditions, family configurations, and Jewish awareness quickly become comfortable in our midst. We especially value the presence of children; new families will find that in no time, their children will be among new friends, joining with them in the children’s part of the weekly Torah service.

We welcome Shabbat on Friday night with prayers and song. Saturday morning services are followed in the late afternoon by scheduled study programs for adults and teens, evening services, Seudah Shelisheet, and Havdalah.

Music is central to the worship experience and one of the most distinctive and pleasurable elements of our service. Wrapped in the richness of Sephardic melodies, MDSC prayer is an inspiring experience. Our Sephardic melodies (ta'amim) reflect the countries and cultures of our congregants’ origins. 

Join us at an upcoming service. Experience the joy of prayer times in our inspiring sanctuary.


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785