Going Back to our Roots: Rabbi Soussan
What: Join Rabbi Sousan as he introduces topics from Maimonides' Mishneh Torah - the systematic presentation and explanation of halachot fundamental to Jewish practice.
When: Every Sunday Morning at 9:00 am (after Shacharit)
Where: In the lobby of MDSC. Coffee/Tea and a little something to eat is served.
Tea and Torah: Rav Avram Weissman
What: Rav Weissman leads a discussion on the weekly Parsha drawing inspiration from a wide range of Rishonim, Acharonim and Hasidic masters.
When: Every Shabbat afternoon - one hour before mincha (March to November)
Where: In the lobby of MDSC. Moroccan Tea and a little something to eat is served.
Ben Ish Hai: Rav Avram Weissman
What: Rav Weissman leads a very short (10-15 minutes) study of the Halachot of the Ben Ish Hai.
When: Daily (except Shabbat and Sunday) after Shacharit.
Where: In the beautifully renovated MDSC library.